Ayuda de la cuenta
Para utilizar Auriculo 360, you must have an Active Account
Antes de que pueda comenzar a usar Auriculo 360 you must purchase an Auriculo 360 plan, renewed on a yearly basis.
¿Aún no tienes una cuenta? Haga clic aquí para comprar el Auriculo 360 plan that’s right for you!
¿Tiene problemas con su cuenta o inicio de sesión?
Si tiene problemas para iniciar sesión Auriculo 360, please click here to reset your password.
Please watch the tutorial video below if you need help resetting your Auriculo 360 password. If you’ve reset your password and are still experiencing login issues or have other questions about your Auriculo 360 account, please call our office at 208.846.8448 or live chat with us below!
Need to Change your Auriculo 360 ¿Plan?
Si necesita cambiar su Auriculo 360 plan to allow for more devices, or limit the number of devices, please send an email to help@miridiatech.com and we will change your plan!
Need to Change your Auriculo 360 ¿Método de pago?
Si necesita cambiar su Auriculo 360 subscription payment method, you will need to log into your Miridia Technology store account.
Log into the Miridia Technology Store
Once you’ve logged into your store account, navigate to “My Payment Data” on the left sidebar. Enter in your corrections or add in your new payment method. Once you’ve added your new payment method, click on “Subscriptions” on the side bar. Click “Edit” on your Auriculo 360 subscription and select the right payment method for your Auriculo 360 suscripción.